Rapid Resolution Therapy for Professionals
Mimetic Therapies Work for You


When ya gotta go, ya gotta go!

Desperately seeking a bathroom, a hapless tourist wanders through town in a majority Spanish-speaking country. As the situation grows more and more urgent, he stumbles into the only open and welcoming cafe.

Not knowing a word of Spanish more than “Gracias!” he asks the waiter – in English – if he can use the bathroom.

But not knowing a word of English, the waiter wordlessly conveys confusion.

From Bad to Worse

The tourist begins gesturing to demonstrate the nature of the request – as well as its urgency. Still, the waiter appears puzzled.

Now worried about an impending “explosion,” the tourist tries to make up words that resemble what might be the Spanish word for bathroom.

Still nothing.

A Last-Minute Reprieve

At that moment, another traveler enters the cafe and – after a few moments – recognizes what’s going on.

“Dónde está el… baño?” this other *clearly* tourist says.

Finally, it clicks. The waiter apologizes and points to the back. The tourist runs back, uses the bathroom, and, before leaving, stops at the only occupied table.

“Thank you,” he says. “How did you do that?”

“Simple- it’s all about speaking the right language.”

We talk about our emotions as if other people or situations cause them.

“He made me really angry.”

“Why are you making me feel guilty?”

But, of course, those statements aren’t entirely accurate. No one has ever shoved anger into another’s brain, and different people have different emotions regarding shared experiences.

Instead, we know that the brain – and how it processes information about other people or situations – actually causes our emotional responses.

That difference is extremely important.

If someone else or something that happened in the past is “causing” the way you’ve been feeling, then all I can do is to teach you how to cope.

Teaching someone how to cope is admitting that he or she can’t find a real resolution.

If that’s the best we’ve got, you should quit.

You can look up coping skills on Google.

But if the way your mind has been processing lies at the root of how you’re feeling, then…

We can do something about that.

We can do a WHOLE lot about that.

But only if we know the right language.

With Rapid Resolution Therapy, we can communicate directly and deeply with that part of your brain that causes thoughts and feelings.

With Rapid Resolution Therapy, we can treat problems at their source so that the symptoms – thoughts, feelings, sensations – clear up from the inside out.

With Rapid Resolution Therapy, we can cause major shifts in the way the mind processes information.

We can break the chains, heal the wounds of the past, and set you free to move forward with your life.


It’s like the difference between treating a rash from bacterial infection with topical cream and prescribing antibiotics.

Our work is just as effortless and effective as antibiotics. But WAY more fun!

I’m interested in making myself obsolete.

On average, clients meet with me for one session.

One session??

That’s right – one session.

If we can clear things up in one session, it’s unethical to ask you to come back once a week for 18 months so you can “make progress.”

We complete our work the first time we meet.

And the effects last – because the change comes from deep inside – rather than being imposed from without.

Because if you could simply consciously choose how you feel, you would’ve chosen to stop feeling this way years ago.

Are you ready to be present and free?

Are you ready to deal – once and for all – with what’s been holding you back?

Come check out the RRT difference. (925) 264-9739

Rapid Resolution Therapy is one of the many forms of Mimetic Therapies! To find out more, go to www.TheGoodIRS.org